Monday, September 30, 2019

Gas Absorption

It has been in operation since 1983. The absorber was a tray tower with a single tray designed for 90% SIS removal and supplied by The Babcock & Wilcox Company (B&W). The boiler fires high sulfur eastern bituminous coal producing SIS loadings up to 7. 5 lbs/Numb. To increase the removal in the WIFE system, MASC. and B&W added a second tray in 2002 to take advantage of dual tray technology. SIS removal has been increased from 90% to 98% without the use of organic acids. Performance tests and parametric tests have been performed on the system over the last two years. The testing also included tests forSOB, HP, HCI, and PM. This paper discusses the absorber design, operating parameters, results of the testing and system chemistry. Introduction The need for maximum SIS removal is necessary with the upcoming Clean Air Interstate Rule (CARR). To meet these demands, high efficiency scrubbers are necessary. This paper provides an evaluation based on limestone, forced oxidized systems since t his is the most common type of system being used now and in the foreseeable future. High efficiency can be gained by changes to the chemistry of the slurry or by increasing the contact of gas and slurry in the absorber.The typical change to the system chemistry is the addition of dipodic acid or a composite adiabatic acid such as DAB. Contacting can be increased by increasing the liquid to gas ratio (L/ G), which also increases the alkalinity available per pass. It is difficult to add more L/ G, physically and financially, because this usually involves adding more spray headers and absorber recirculation pumps. There is usually not enough space available to accommodate this. Increased contacting can also be achieved by the addition of a contacting device such as an absorption tray or by reducing the open rear of an existing tray.In these cases the LEG remains the same, but the absorption of SIS per unit volume of slurry increases. In order to add another tray, the space must be avai lable to do so. Adding a tray or decreasing the tray open area increases the absorber pressure drop. B&W has 6 units operating with two trays and has 19 other dual tray units in the design, construction and startup phases. The purpose of the described project was to convert a conventional, 90% SIS removal scrubber into a high efficiency (>95% SIS removal) scrubber. B&W proposed to maximize SIS amoeba by adding another tray to this limestone forced oxidized scrubber.Michigan South Central Power Agency was an ideal location for the demonstration because their wet flue gas decentralization (WIFE) system is a limestone, forced oxidized system with a single existing absorption tray and because of the good working relationship between the two companies. Their absorber design also had provisions for an additional future tray. The baseline performance measured in 1998 is as follows (Table 1): After the modifications were made to the system, field performance tests were carried out. The last of the testing occurred during November 2005.In addition to SIS being tested, some multi-pollutants were also tested to gather baseline data of the plant. Those multi- pollutant tests included solid particulate matter, sulfuric acid mist, hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride. These results are presented with the SIS data. Background Michigan South Central Power Agency's Endicott Generating Station, Unit 1, was supplied by The Babcock & Wilcox Company in 1981. See Fig. 1. The boiler is a Sterling design rated for 480,000 lb/hrs steam flow and a nominal 55 MM while burning bituminous coal.The air quality control system (SACS) consists of a cold Table 1 MASC. 1998 performance Parameter Units Values SIS removal Inlet SIS loading pH Geochemistry Absorber pressure drop lb/Numb -ca/S CPM/masc. in. Wag 6. 5 5. 6 1. 06 85 3. 6 electrostatic precipitated (ESP.) and wet FIG. The FIG system is a forced oxidation design consisting of a single absorber, a reagent preparation system, and prima ry and secondary dewatering systems. Prior to adding the new, second tray, the scrubber performance had deteriorated and the plant struggled to meet compliance t high sulfur loadings, > 6. Lb/Numb and high boiler loads, 60 MM. The primary reasons for this poor performance were sulfite blinding and inadequate flow of limestone slurry to the absorber. The limestone feed slurry density was about 13% which limited the limestone flow. The pH was limited to 4. 6 to 4. 8. SIS removal averaged about 83% with a single tray. The absorber system consists of one 22'6†³ diameter absorber tray tower. The original design was a single absorption tray. In October 2003, a second absorption tray was added. The material of construction above the inlet is LOLL.The absorber inlet has a CHIC awning and side shields to prevent absorber inlet plugging. The absorber has two slurry spray levels operating above the tray. There is no spare spray level. Three absorber recirculation pumps, two operating and one standby, are provided to feed the slurry spray headers. The absorption spray zone is lined with Stabbing tile to protect it from spray impingement. Two stages of mist eliminators are supplied in the absorber tower with automatic sprays above and below the 1st stage and below the 2nd stage of mist eliminators (ME).The 2nd stage ME overspread is provided with a wash header, manually operated. A sparse grid oxidation system is provided for insist oxidation of the tank. Additionally, four air lances have been installed at the bottom of the tank to provide additional air flow and to fully oxidize the tank at the higher than designed removal efficiency and inlet SIS loading. The scrubbing reagent used is limestone, which is ground by a single, 100% vertical tower mill. Dewatering consists of primary and secondary systems. The absorber blown slurry is sent to a single, 100% thickener for primary dewatering.The underflow from the thickener is sent to a thickener underflow tank and then batched to the rotary drum vacuum filters. Two vacuum filters are provided, one operating and one spare. A gypsum byproduct is produced from the cake of the vacuum filter and is currently being landfill. In 2003, a second absorption tray was added to the absorber tower. See Fig. 2. This new tray did not have the same pressure drop as the existing tray because of limitations on the ID fan. Improvement of SIS removal on the system was seen, but the full effect was not observed. The removal increased from 83% to bout 89%.The main reason was continued sulfite blinding. It was expected that the delivered oxidation air was adequate for the increase of SIS removal, but that was not the case. Also, the limitations on Fig. 2 A second absorption tray was added in 2003. The ID fan were observed to be an absorber inlet plugging related problem. At least twice per year, the absorber inlet needed to be cleaned before upsetting boiler operations because of high differential pressure drop. In 2005, a few more modifications were made to the system for system reliability and to enable the second tray to be more effective.During the plant outage, the CHIC inlet awning was cleaned to remove some hard solids, which developed over the years, at the top gap in the awning. After cleaning, it was discovered that the awning was severely corroded and needed replaced. This new awning resolved the inlet plugging issues. Next, some rubber plugs were added to the second absorption tray to increase the pressure drop so that it equaled the first tray. Lastly, oxidation air lances were added to the bottom of the absorber reaction tank to improve oxidation and stop sulfite blinding.The combination of these improvements allowed the FIG system to reach its full performance capacity. SIS removals can now reach as high as 98%. SIS absorption theory Scrubber design and SIS absorption The design of a wet scrubber can be reduced to Just two basic requirements. The first is to contact the gas and slurr y. The second is to provide alkalinity to neutralize the acid formed when SIS is absorbed. Contacting the gas and slurry can be accomplished using only the absorber slurry sprays (L/G) such as in an open spray tower design. The key to this is getting good gas striation and good slurry spray distribution.In an open spray tower the contact surface of the spray droplets and the contact of the gas with these droplets is the primary means of removing SIS. This leaves one primary parameter, pump flow, to be adjusted to achieve the desired performance. The contact surface can also be increased by providing more droplet surface area (higher nozzle pressure drop), but also at the expense of pump power, and increasing the droplet surface area quickly reaches the point of diminishing returns. The gas and slurry contacting and SIS amoeba can be greatly improved by using some type of contacting device(s).B&Ws choice of contacting device is a perforated tray(s). The absorber tray provides intimat e contacting between the gas and slurry. The contact surface provided by the tray is much more effective for SIS removal than that of the slurry droplets in a spray tower design. Fig. 1 Michigan South Central Power Agency's Endicott Station. 2 Gas distribution First the tray provides a resistance to distribute the gas flow uniformly over the tower cross-section. This resistance is provided at the start of the gas and slurry contact one, or the absorption zone, in the absorber.Therefore, the contact of the gas with slurry is optimized over the full height of the absorption zone. In an open spray tower, the pressure drop across each spray level will tend to distribute the gas. However, by the time the successive pressure drops have redistributed the gas, the gas has already traveled through much of the absorption zone. This is not making full use of the LEG being provided. Uneven gas distribution results in areas of high and low LEG within the absorber. In areas where the LEG is highe r than the design L/G, theSIS removal will be higher than design. However, areas of lower LEG will have less than the average removal. When designing to 98% removal, the area of lower LEG does not have to be too large to seriously limit the overall SIS removal efficiency. Contacting effectiveness The tray provides a much more efficient means of gas and slurry contact than slurry sprays. Contacting devices are well known to provide the optimum design in most gas-liquid absorption systems. In fact, most of the first utility scrubber designs were based on the use of some type of packing or trays.The use of a tray in an absorber is typically worth 25 to 30 L/G. That is, the absorber with a tray requires 25 to 30 LEG less than an open spray tower design. This is illustrated in field unit test data presented in Fig. 3. The curves indicate that 80% removal efficiency could be achieved operating without a tray at 60 LEG or with a tray at about 35 L/G. The data also indicates 95% removal at 60 LEG and using a single absorption tray. Fig. 3 SIS removal with and without tray. Table 2 Effect of Trays on SO 2 Removal Unit Whinny Pilot MASC. # Trays 70 Removal 82 93 82. 4 92. 6

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Minimum Wage and Unemployment Rate †A Direct Relationship Essay

In any labor market, free or regulated, there is friction and rigidity that result in labor issues. With 11 million people unemployed, and millions more discouraged or underemployed, there is justification to believe that these high population levels represent a glitch in the American labor market (1). These basic statistics, coupled with the elementary economic theory of supply and demand, demonstrate that minimum wage regulation has not only proven to be unsuccessful, but should be eliminated immediately. Although compulsory wage levels may be problematic in our contemporary labor market, the theory supporting a minimum wage dates back to over three centuries ago. The earliest evidence of a mandatory minimum wage could be found in New Zealand when in 1894 there was an effort to extinguish sweatshop labor. Also during this time, Australia made amendments to the Factories Act which created a wage price floor in six industries that were considered to have low paying wages. Although this amendment began as an experiment, within a few years additional amendments were created to expand minimum wage to over 150 different industries (2). It took until the early 1900’s for the minimum wage model to appear in the United States. In 1912, Massachusetts set up a commission not to demand minimum wages, but to recommend them – especially for women and children. Within eight years, 13 US states and Washington DC implemented their own compulsory minimum wage laws (3). Due to challenges from the Supreme Court during the Lochner Era – a time where the Supreme Court exercised its power to protect economic liberty and private contracts – it took until 1938 for federal minimum wage laws to manifest in the United States. Presented under the Fair Labor Standards Act under the scope of the Commerce Clause, the Supreme Court ruled that Congress had the power to regulate employment. As a result, the first ever federal minimum wage entered the market at 25 cents an hour (4). Today we have a federal minimum wage of $7.25/hour and even higher in some states like Washington where the minimum wage is over $9/hour. Aside from the role minimum wage laws play in our current market, they’ve also made prominent news headlines and been in the minds of many laborers as of recently. Many of these headlines reveal a desire by workers and politicians alike to raise the minimum wage. Organized protests by workers in the fast food industry have assembled in the streets of major cities to bring to attention not only their demand for a much higher minimum wage, but for union representation as well. Additionally politicians like Barack Obama and Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn have spoken publicly about their desire for an increased minimum wage. While the President has put pressure on Congress to legislate a $9/hour minimum wage, Mayor McGinn has expressed his support for a $15/hour minimum wage by his respective legislators (5). Aside from the strong political appeal that may encourage politicians to propose minimum wage increases, on the surface this type of legislation seems like a well-intentioned effort to raise the standard of living of people working for relatively low wages. This is not only because people naturally desire better things for themselves, but it also seems like a productive way to align wages with levels of inflation that the Federal Reserve is primarily responsible for (6). To make minimum wage theory even more confusing, there have been multiple studies on the issue only to garner completely opposite results. David Neumark, an economics professor at UCI and William Washer, an economist on the board of governors at the Federal Reserve wrote a descriptive 155 page monograph that elaborately detailed the negative effects that minimum wage laws created. Conversely, David Card an economics professor at UCB and Alan Krueger, a professor at Princeton University, published a highly renowned study that concluded minimum wage laws would only cause minimal job loss and in some instances could even raise employment levels (7). However, when studying economic phenomena mixed results are completely common due to the failure to meet the cetaris paribus condition, which stresses the concept of keeping variables constant. Not surprisingly, there were very few constant variables between these two studies. So rather than fill this essay with the observations of others, I plan to mainly use deductive reasoning to discuss the logical consistency of my argument. Because minimum wage laws are not only self-defeating but also make society poorer, it is in everyone’s best interest, especially those the law is intended to help, to abolish minimum wage laws immediately. In rudimentary economic studies, we learn about the affects supply and demand have on market clearing prices and that where supply meets demand is price equilibrium. We also learn that when prices are arbitrarily set above equilibrium, the result is a surplus. Wage labor is no different, and when analyzing this data, the surplus can be expressed as unemployment. These surpluses (unemployment) result when the productivity of a laborer is not high enough to warrant the new minimum wage. Now an economic burden to the company, the employer will have no choice but to terminate the employee(s) in order to remain profitable in their endeavors. Because these compulsory created economic burdens will generally be people already earning relatively lower wages, wage price floors actually hurt the people they are intended to help. Even if one was to claim that the terminations resulting in raising the minimum wage were offset by the new people making higher nominal wages, this person would be committing an arbitrary value judgment. Additionally, minimum wage laws have a dampening effect on inner city youth (8). After spending time in subpar public schooling, many underprivileged adolescents are forced to turn to the streets instead of taking a low paying position where he would be able to acquire skills on the job. Rather than gain working experience, he is more prone to a perpetual cycle of poverty and violence. When viewed from a more macro approach, there are even worse social ramifications. Unemployment is universally agreed upon as a bad thing. This is because the negative effects have no offsetting benefits, rather they are considered a dead loss. When unemployment levels rise, people tend to crave acts of protectionism, which is are strives to restrict the immigration process and limit imports from competing countries. Not only can these actions lead to retaliatory actions from other countries, but can also impede the influx of cheaper goods, which will directly hurt the unemployed (9). Not only will unemployment lower total national output, but it also creates a demand for costly federal and state services such as the unemployment program. Furthermore, the logic behind the minimum wage legislation seems to contain not only many dissenting opinions on what the nominal wage should be, but many faults in logic as well. Down to the cent, there are thousands of people who all support the minimum wage but at different amounts. Although most main stream public figures seem to restrain a wage price floor from exceeding $20/hour, wouldn’t consistent logic prevail for compulsory wages of at least $100/hour or even $1,000/hour? Clearly, this is absurd. Rather than having economists design the economy, evidence prevails that it would be better for people to decide respective wage levels on their own. While it may be true that â€Å"moderate† rises in the minimum wage may not lead to substantial changes in the rate of unemployment, this is exactly why these laws are self-defeating. This price floor only affects a small sect of the economy, making some of it unemployed. When laborers compete for a job, they have two tools. On one hand is productivity and ingenuity. On the other hand is the wage at wish they are willing to work for. If a relatively unproductive worker wants to compete with a highly productive worker, then he or she must naturally accept a lower wage. In doing this, the worker gains a form of payment through knowledge and information that can be taken with them throughout life. Denying this ind ividual the right to do so, with arbitrary government price floors, removes his or her ability to compete and to find employment. Not only will this disarm the very people the laws were intended to help, but it also blocks a person from a basic right to work at whatever wage he or she chooses to do so at. Through the use of deductive reasoning, it is quite clear that although well intentioned, minimum wage laws have created a disturbing effect on our contemporary labor market and have had negative effects on the people they were designed to help. It should come as no surprise then that the urban areas of our nation experience the highest levels of unemployment. Works Cited 1) â€Å"Employment Status of Displaced Workers : The Editor’s Desk : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.† U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1 Sept. 2013. Web. 21 Oct. 2013. 2) â€Å"History of the Minimum Wage.† Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 08 Feb. 2013. Web. 21 Oct. 2013. 3) â€Å"Minimum Wage in the United States.† Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Oct. 2013. Web. 21 Oct. 2013. 4) â€Å"Lochner Era.† LII. Cornell University Law School, n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2013. 5) Associated Press. â€Å"Seattle Mayor Would Support Minimum Wage above $15.† USA Today. Gannett, 9 Oct. 2013. Web. 21 Oct. 2013. 6) Casey, Chris. Killing the Currency. Ludwig Von Mises Institute, 27 May 203. Web. 21 Oct. 2013. 7) MacKenzie, D.W. â€Å"The Ludwig Von Mises Institute.† Minimum Wage Laws: Economics versus Ideology. N.p., 14 June 2007. Web. 21 Oct. 2013. 8) Caldwell, Roger. â€Å"Inner City Black Male Unemployment At 50 Percen t.† West Orlando News Online 2013 ® Central Florida News, Info, Sports. N.p., 15 Nov. 2009. Web. 21 Oct. 2013. 9) â€Å"The Cost Of Unemployment To The Economy.† Investopedia. N.p., 9 Aug. 2011. Web. 21 Oct. 2013.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Critically discuss the view that gender is relevant to the study of Essay - 1

Critically discuss the view that gender is relevant to the study of INTELLIGENCE. Ground your answer in theory and illustrate w - Essay Example In further researches, intelligence theory has opened new line of thinking concerning the recognition of a wider range of human intellect (Gardner 2006). Thus, intelligence as a subject matter in many researches and studies is greatly established. Intelligence theories and its implications on other fields like psychology (Piaget 1950), sociology and neurobiology (Gray and Thompson 2004) are also essential in our understanding of human mind and intellect. In this paper, the discussion of human intelligence by exploring its relation to gender, as one of the probable variables of intelligence-difference among humans, will be explored. The discussion of the background and brief history of intelligence test will also be presented in order to understand better the subject matter. Intelligence theories will be analyzed in relation to gender in accordance with the objective to see the correlation between the two. Examples of researches with regards to the said concepts will be investigated t o further substantiate the paper. Significant results will be analyzed and will be integrated in making a conclusion for the paper. Intelligence and gender may both refer to abstract concepts that people made up in order to understand the events and matters related to the concepts (Hacking 1999; Kessler and McKenna 1978). Though this is the case, significant numbers of research are done to analyze and identify the correlation between the two concepts. Consequently, many issues concerning the ethics and moral implications of the studies are raised as the ideas involved are very sensitive matters (Messick 1980). Considering gender issues for instance, we see that the possibility of claiming some basis for discrimination may outpour if certain researches and surveys will be introduced to the public. In the case of the idea of intelligence, some people who are subject to testing and evaluation using intelligence tests might have problems in accepting the results of the assessment as the y might feel insecure and depressed because of it (Zammit et al 2004). Though some claims that intelligence is a construct and can be hardly measured (Humphreys 1979; Scott-Wittenborn 2004), many arguably refer to it as a human feature that can be calculated and quantified (Galton 1883; Binet 1905; Kline 1991). The interests to quantify human intelligence go beyond analyzing the mind functions as theorists and makers of intelligence tests like Galton (1883), Binet (1905), Spearman (1904), and Thurstone (1938) successfully designed an assessment program that will measure and categorize intelligence on the basis of their own definitions of studied subject. Today, intelligence in the way the said theorists defined it in the context of their time has changed its meaning in various ways. The ‘lay conception of intelligence’ (Sternberg 2000) has transformed in terms of how intelligence was defined based on the areas an individual human can be a genius of. Traditionally, intel ligence is measured based on logical and mathematical reasoning and similar assessment. Today, though the traditional one is still being used (Eysenck 2007), fundamental changes in seeing intelligence in a different and a more wide-ranging perspective are being observed. New theories on the subject like the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Analyzing Groups Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Analyzing Groups - Essay Example Tomas Oxelman, the human resource manager of the company introduced this theory (Weisbord & Janoff, 2010). The company embraced it because it was so effective that they could see the entire global operation from the perspective of a single product. To me, this holds crucial importance because the way this theory envelops the whole process is extremely useful. It fits perfectly well with the scenario I am facing at my company (the theater). The collaboration is truly diverse in this theory as the people from the inside as well as outside get to share their views. Future search refers to the generic design that spans over five segments, and each takes about 2 to 4 hours (Weisbord, Weisbord, & Janoff, 2000). The whole session is only three days long. Considering the context our group needs to focus on the past while attending to the demands of the present. This phase will develop actions and later ideal future scenarios can be identified and then an action plan can be made. The gradual buildup also ensures that irregularities or hurdles are removed as people come together on common grounds. Participative design theory by Fred and Merrelyn Emery (Coleman, Deutsch & Marcus, 2014, 930) is extremely useful for its bottom-up approach. It is an organizational principle that offers a coherent strategy and a toolkit for restoring dignity in organization and community settings (Baillie, 2006). It really involves people in the decision-making process. The emphasis of course is on effective participation or bringing democracy in the organizational decision-making process.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Restuarent Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Restuarent Analysis - Essay Example There was entirely everything one could imagine having for lunch at that particular place. There were myriad kinds of crusts ranging from traditional, deep fish, special toast and others which actually reflected the rich variety at the restaurant. In the same vein, different kinds of sources were on offer in the place. In this category we had options like vodka source, barbeque, white and traditional red. The pizzas on offer actually cost between $3.50 which gave a six inch plain pizza to $18.75 which gave a fourteen inch pizza coupled with five toppings. The prices of particular pizzas range from $ 5.75 to $18.75. This basically depends on the size of the pizza and the particular creation the customer wants. After perusing the myriad choices availed in the menu, we opted for pizza and salad. The food arrived very hot and in reasonable amount. The service was also very decent. We also ordered traditional pan crust together with barbeque source. We had it go down with low-fat mozzarella cheese and pineapple. Indeed, the food was very tasty and excellent in appearance. The crust was very crunchy and the barbeque source was perfect in taste. The whole combination was very excellent except for the mere fact that the pineapple was in small amounts. The flavor of the salad coupled with the sweetness of the juicy pineapple presented a good and tasty combination. The chicken tenders we ordered came in the form of two whole chicken tenders in which case, the customer had to tear them or eat them whole. a For beer, I chose imported Newcastle Brown Ale while my sister opted for strawberry lemonade. The bear was very appropriate in darkness and gave a good top for the pizza. The lemonade was a bit sour but with the application of the strawberries and syrup, it had the appropriate sweetness. Indeed, the overall experience at Mother Bear’s was very good. The ambiance was

Proposing a Solution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Proposing a Solution - Essay Example This paper examines the problem known as depression widely encountered by the adult person. Further, it explores the causes of such problem and, eventually, proposes a solution to it. On Identification Depression is a disorder characterized by sadness or sheer unhappiness (Rey and Birhamer 4). The depressed mood is felt and experienced widely from adolescent years. But what is more depressing here is the fact that depression is difficult to be clearly identified especially to the adolescent people. In life, I believed, sadness is not uncommon. Being unhappy, at one point of one’s life, is perfectly human. Young ones as well those who are feeling young significantly encounter a certain feeling of unhappiness. Adolescent people, however, are more prone to depressed mood rather than the old folks. In fact, roughly 5 to 15 percent of adolescents experienced symptoms associated to clinical depression (Kaplan, Aguirre, and Rater 48). Kaplan, Aguirre, and Rater present a fascinating list of symptoms marked in adolescent depression. Now, I may not be a teenager but I am categorically a young adult. To my mind, real or imagine, I am still in my adolescent period. Borrowing from the list made by Kaplan, Aguirre, and Rater, below are two signs -- they call it warning signs, and that’s disturbing -- that I have encountered from the past few days: 1. Noticeable changes in eating and sleeping habits. 2. Difficulty concentrating or making decisions. Considering this sort of reality, I am wondering if whether or not I have a clinical depression. (Except for the term depression, I like the word clinical.) Sounds interesting. Thinking it more deeply, though, I doubt it if I have one. On Causes By nature, depressions either in adolescents or in non-adolescents are hereditary (Gullotta and Adams 206). Why young people have symptoms characterized in clinical depression is because such disorder, whether one likes it or not, is inherited from generation to generation. I n fact, roughly 50 percent of people possessing depressed mood are largely attributed to â€Å"genetic predispositions† (qtd. in Gullotta and Adams 206). Meaning to say, depression is unavoidable especially when one’s parents have this mood disorder. Like the inevitability of death, unfortunately, mood disorder is part of the human life. But there is a good news here. According to certain studies, there is ample evidence supporting the theory that depressive symptoms are, in fact, â€Å"less strong [in terms of] genetic association† (qtd. in Gullotta and Adams 206). That is to say, depression is affected by the social environment in which the person having a mood disorder is immersed into. Today, there are two major views concerning the cause of mood disorder: genetics and environment. On Solutions There are solutions to the problem inherent in the disorder called depression. In relation to hereditary as the cause of depressed mood, solution is barely available. It reminds me of one famous Darwinian biologist who proposes, although in jest, an extensive operation of persons who have genetic problems; for instance, a criminal convict can be a law-abiding citizen if his â€Å"bad† genes are replaced with â€Å"good† ones. That is not a bad ideal, is it? Well, what I am going to propose for a solution to the problem associated to depression in young people is greatly social in orientation. Depression can be lessened, if not prevented, especially when

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Write your own dystopian story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Write your own dystopian story - Essay Example The country followed another ritual of a lottery of drowning thirty of its citizens down the sea every month to overcome its problems. It was due to these laws that Mrs. Dickinson had hidden her daughter. The Dickinson family was very happy until a police officer saw Emily playing around the house. The Butchering Team arrived at their doorstep. It was the day of the lottery as well. It was an unfortunate day as Mr. Dickinson’s name was in the drowning lottery as well. The family got a tip off and they all walked together towards the sea for the lottery from the backdoor. They took a brave step and Mrs. Dickinson stood in the middle of the crowd at the shore and announced that the entire family was going to go through the drowning ritual. Their protest was joined by a larger crowd and many people joined in. This led to wave of unrest and the state government of Ludiano was overthrown. The leaders were expelled from the state and so were the members of the Butchering Team. This was how peace was again restored in the state

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

A constructive trust is the formula through which the conscience of Essay

A constructive trust is the formula through which the conscience of equity finds its expression. per Cardozo J, Beatty v Guggenheim Exploration Co. (1919) 225 - Essay Example The simple definition found in a freshman’s law book is a person, whom we shall call the donor, who has complete confidence in another person, (a friend, a relative, or a lawyer), who shall be called the trustee, and gives this person the right to administer his affairs (be it a house, bonds, jewels, an estate, and so on). This is what one usually understands by the word trust. Judge Cardozo gave the following definition: â€Å"when a property has been acquired in such circumstances that the holder of the legal title may not in good conscience retain the beneficial interest, equity converts him into a trustee.†1 This is far from being that categorical, especially when a slew of other factors make it quite confusing, especially when there are differences between the US and the English interpretation of the constructive trust law. â€Å"Lord Wright MR2 deplored the absence of an English work on restitution and noted that the American principles [of constructive trust] stated appear to be consistent with the large and unanalyzed mass of English cases.†¦ [furthermore,] in the Restatement (1937) Lord Wright treats the constructive trust as a remedy,† (Lacy p.1) and assesses the one difference between both countries as to the interpretation and that is one of analysis. If the British judges group the equitable jurisdiction as a restitutionary one, then the remedies must therefore be given by the common law courts. On the other hand, if the English judges take Cardozo’s statement as written then the British judicial system recognizes this US law a universal one regardless of its context. (Lacy p.1) The following cases, Barnes v Addys [1874] LR 9 Ch App 244, Royal Brunei Airlines Sdn Bhd v Tan [1995] 2 AC 378, Belmont Finance Corp v Williams Furniture Ltds [1968] 1 WLR 15555 at 1582, and R v Ghosh [1982] QB 1053, will be used to illustrate the ambiguity of the constructive

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Career Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Career Plan - Essay Example There is no better way to learn the ropes than being hands on. 2. Housekeeping Operations Manager, Compass Group – By the time I graduate from college, I would already have the needed 2-year job experience derived from Towne Park as a Guest Service Associated. By this time, I hope to also gain the trust and confidence of my seniors at Towne Park, enough for me to get their endorsement so that I can embark in a career that would allow me to practice my skills and knowledge. It will also help me enhance my management skills. This job should jumpstart a good and solid career and Tourism. Travel and Hospitality Management. B. HOSPITALITY CONCENTRATION I choose International Hospitality Operations Management as my field of concentration as this course would suit bests my personality and interests. I have always been a people-oriented person, interested in studying varied cultures in various settings. My interest in Travel and Tourism will take me to these countries and scenarios, t hereby enabling me not only to master my field of choice but also to practice it in such settings that are unique and with demands of their own. Nothing could be more challenging than adapting to the people, culture and market other than your own. Besides, the promise of being able to travel shall be an add on to the list of experiences that I anticipate to go through. C. INSIGHTS AND PLANS If there is anything that changed in my plans since I took this course, it would be that my desire to finish my course and embark on a career became more intense; much stronger than it was before. The drive to absorb all the concepts has increased, and I think I am more focused on the tasks and challenges ahead of me. There are now cleared visions of the future, with my better understanding of the opportunities unfolding even now as a student. At this point, I have also developed timelines for me to reach my goals after I finish this course. A timeline is very significant for me because that woul d be my gauge as to what my accomplishments already are and what are the needed steps for me to level up. My career goals have really remained the same, but the means to achieve them have significantly changed in such a way that I have become aware of the channels for me to reach them. D. MY GOALS Short term goals: 1. Gain basic experience in hospitality management by enlisting in a part time job/ apprenticeship in a local company. This would add substance to my resume by the time I graduate from college. 2. Enhance my management skills by enrolling in related short term training/ elective courses. This will also help me become an effective manager in the future. 3. Further enhance my communication skills by joining organizations and groups that would allow me to interact with other students, to help me verbalize my thoughts and communicate them effectively. I need to enhance my writing and speech communications skills and the best way to do this is to be with people who have same a spirations. Long Term Goals 1. Get a Masters Degree in Hospitality Management five to seven years from now. A Masters Degree from a good school would ensure me good job prospects and even better opportunities to get job promotions. It would serve as my stepping stone towards a higher career in hospitality management. Furthermore, the training that a Masters Degree offers, will allow me to keep abreast of emerging

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Gay Marriage Opinion Essay Example for Free

Gay Marriage Opinion Essay Mainwaring goes on to argue that because â€Å"Only a little more than 53%† of the signers were Republican, and the rest an assortment of parties, gay marriage is a â€Å"common, mainstream concern†, to be shared among citizens of all backgrounds. Mainwaring defends the signers of this petition, stating that because they signed an anti-gay marriage petition, their actions cannot be chalked up to homophobic motives. He says that â€Å"the vast majority simply view ‘marriage’ as an immutable term that can only apple to heterosexuals†, and that â€Å"’we’ shouldn’t mess with [the term marriage]†. I mentioned before that Mainwaring’s opinion on this topic is considerably unique. This is because he himself is, in fact, gay. It was not only the fact that Mainwaring decided to mention this, but also the juxtaposition of this statement that was mildly infuriating to me. To me, placing the fact that he is gay directly after his statements defending the people who signed the petition is a bit like an African-American saying â€Å"I think blacks should be subject to a lower standard of living than whites†¦and it’s okay for me to think this because I’m black! If a black person were to say this today, this would be considered socially unacceptable from nearly every person in this country, and it should be the same for Mainwaring and all other gays. It’s extremely difficult for me to even begin to wrap my head around how Mainwaring can even have this opinion. How he can blatantly undermine the oppressed minority he has categorized himself into, simply because â€Å"we should not attempt to force into an old construct something that was never meant for same-sex partnerships† is appalling. Mainwaring believes that simply because the term â€Å"marriage† has meant one thing for the past two hundred years, it simply cannot be open to interpretation, like many other dated laws. So many different sections of the constitution have been twisted and bent toward various opinions, just as the following should be. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. The argument that Mainwaring is trying to make is ill-supported and weak. It is less credible that the late 1920’s â€Å"Separate but Equal† mantra, considering civil unions, which Mainwaring proposes for gays, are in no way even close to being equal to a â€Å"traditional† marriage. Before the Civil Rights Movement, many people were raised to believe that blacks were meant to be inferior. However, as awareness arose, people began to realize that this simply is not true; under the eyes of the law, there should be virtually no difference between a black person and a white person. Likewise, there should be no difference between a gay or a straight couple. A civil union is in no way a reasonable alternative for gays, and if us as Americans were to make that statement the new â€Å"traditional†, there one day in the future may be no limits on the term â€Å"marriage†.

Friday, September 20, 2019

McDonalds Employment Analysis

McDonalds Employment Analysis McDonalds has many employees who are working on different posts and are working hard according to their own capacity. McDonalds conducted job analysis in order to hire new employees at every year that sometimes on quarterly basis. This also enables management to have a better understanding of the jobs and duties being performed at every level and also helps them in training the people who are freshly recruited. JOB ANALYSIS METHOD IN MCDONALDS In job analysis McDonalds focuses on Work Activities and Human Behaviors of an employee for a job. JOBS IN MCDONALDS McDonalds has two types of job openings with their sub openings as listed under: Restaurant Jobs Office Jobs RESTAURANT JOBS In the restaurant jobs, there is a clearly defined career path, from Crew Member to Crew Leader to Floor Manager to Assistant Manager to Restaurant Manager. And from there onwards the opportunities for growth and development are limitless Area Supervisors, Operations Consultant and beyond are just a few to mention from. TRAINEE MANAGER This is an entry level managerial position at McDonalds restaurant, providing opportunity to start and excel the career with the core business functions. Trainee managers handle various areas of professional excellence where sales, people, product safety and security are the minimum areas to be mentioned. CUSTOMER CARE REPRESENTATIVE This is an exciting career opportunity for the females, responsible to independently organize birthday events various activities at local store level so that the challenging fun activities of the job will gear up the commitment of employees for providing the first class customer services CREW MEMBER Crew Members are the core team members always ready to serve the customers on the floor with a shining smile unique with the services. This job is offered either as a Delivery Rider or a Crew Member. So the fun enthusiasm prospect apart from extensive learning will make employees a key member of the team serving our customers. There are three main areas of responsibility of a crew member: Customer service Food preparation Cleanliness and hygiene OFFICE JOBS Managerial jobs are categorized as Office Jobs in McDonalds. At McDonalds office jobs are an excellent match, provided an employee can exhibit the right skill set up to excel in the areas of his/her Human Resource Management Project expertise. Depending upon the knowledge, experience and right aptitude, there are 3 key entry points in the office jobs INITIAL ENTRY LEVEL This entry level is specifically for beginners to start the career in a professional work culture, these positions will provide the opportunity to develop the skills as a successful business entrepreneur. MIDDLE ENTRY LEVEL As a middle entry level incumbent the incoming employee will perform as a liaison with team members to deliver the team objectives while ensuring the execution of assigned tasks as per defined standards and procedures HIGHER ENTRY LEVEL The higher entry level job incumbents are accountable for the execution of assigned tactics and strategic plan. The provision of leadership approach to work will enhance their sense of ownership and part of the winning team member JOB ANALYSIS METHOD IN MCDONALDS applies the basic methods of Job analysis by which HRM can determine job elements and the essential knowledge, skills and abilities for successful performance methods. MCDONALDS uses the following job analysis methods according to their jobs: Observation Method Interview Method. Questionnaire Method The CREW MEMBERS are like main workers of the McDonalds because they are the one who handle the stage work. McDonalds use direct Observation and Interviewing together Firstly, they observe the work of the crew member note the information as much as they can and then for further assistance ask the crewmembers about the detail of their work. For CUSTOMER CARE REPRESENTATIVES McDonalds follow the similar interview technique where they ask the employà ©es that what they feel when they work in this fun environment, how they manage all the work and satisfy the kids and their parents. For the  MANAGERIAL JOBS, McDonalds use the Questionnaire and Interview Method. They prepare a structured Questionnaire in which they ask employees about their jobs, purpose, education required for the job, experience or other key factors. Whereas, in Interviewing they further collect the information related to job directly from employees. JOB DESCRIPTION The job analysis is used to generate a job description, which defines the duties of each task, and other responsibilities of the position. The description covers the various task requirements, such as mental or physical activities; working conditions and job hazards. JOB DESCRIPTION AS PER JOBS McDonalds represent its Job Description as Category Profile and Individual Competencies OFFICE JOBS For office jobs Job Description is named as Category ProfileI. INITIAL ENTRY LEVEL: Strong focus towards learning and adapting to the corporate environment A real interest in how people drive business Positive work attitude with the ability to lead challenging roles responsibilities exposing good confidence level for delivering responsibilities at outstanding level Innovative approach for initiating change at different levels Strong communication skills to act as a liaison between stakeholders and team leaders MIDDLE ENTRY LEVEL: Strong interpersonal and leadership skills. Effective negotiation problem solving skills The ability to see the big picture while delivering organizational goals RESTAURANT JOBS For restaurant jobs the Job description is written as Individual Competencies1. TRAINEE MANAGER: Effective communication skills able to work in a team environment Proactive to exhibit true managerial capability Career oriented with focus on continuous learning Flexibility to adapt to a diversified work culture JOB SPECIFICATION The job specification describes the person expected to fill a job. It details the knowledge (both educational and experiential), qualities, skills and abilities needed to perform the job satisfactorily. The job specification provides a standard against what to measure; how well an applicant matches a job opening and it should be used as the basis for recruiting. JOB SPECIFICATIONS AS PER JOB In McDonalds the Job specification is written under heading known as Profile and Competency Level. OFFICE JOBS In office jobs it is known as COMPETENCY LEVEL INITIAL ENTRY LEVEL: Education: Graduate or Post Graduate degree holders Experience: No prior experience is required for this entry position Age: 22 28 years maximum Gender: Male or Female MIDDLE ENTRY LEVEL: Education: Post Graduate degree holders with relevant area of specialization Experience: 3-5 years of experience in the relevant field Age: 25 32 years maximum Gender: Male or Female HIGHER ENTRY LEVEL Education: Specialized degree in the relevant field with professional certification Experience: 5 years or beyond Age: 30 35 years maximum Gender: Male or Female RESTURANT JOBS: Job Specification is represented by Profile in McDonalds. TRAINEE MANGER Qualification: Post Graduate Degree in any discipline Experience: Fresh candidates with no prior experience Age: 28 years maximum Gender: Male or Female CUSTOMER CARE REPRESENTATIVE Qualification: Graduate Degree in any discipline Experience: Fresh candidates with no prior experience Age: 24 years maximum Gender: Females only CREW MEMBER Age: 18-25 years Gender: Male or Female

Thursday, September 19, 2019

An Experiment to Find Out the Effect of Osmosis on Potato Cells :: Papers

An Experiment to Find Out the Effect of Osmosis on Potato Cells Plan ==== Apparatus:  · A borer  · 25 test tubes  · 5 test tube racks  · 2 potatoes  · A ruler  · A sharp knife Variables: Four different sugar solutions at 10%,20%,30%and40% and distilled water Hypothesis: I hypothesis that the higher the sugar the less the potato size will increase. I think this because I think it will be harder for the liquid to get in because it is denser. Using the borer make cuts into the potato and pull out the pieces of potato. Chop the pieces so they are 20mm long repeat process 25 times. This experiment must be statistically viable i.e. the potato pieces must be identical. If you come to a bad piece of potato discard it. Put all the pieces into individual test tubes. Using one of the solutions fill up 5 test tubes to exactly the same height. Repeat process for all the solutions. Put test tubes into racks and leave for 24 hours. This should be done as quickly as possible to ensure each piece of potato is immersed for exactly the same period of time. Research [IMAGE]Fig 1 Osmosis is the transfer of a liquid solvent through a semi permeable membrane that does not allow dissolved solids (solutes) to pass. Osmosis refers only to transfer of solvent; transfer of solute is called dialysis . In either case the direction of transfer is from the area of higher concentration of the material transferred to the area of lower concentration. This spontaneous migration of a material from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration is called diffusion. Osmosis will occur if a vessel is separated into two compartments by a semi permeable membrane, both compartments are filled to the same level with a solvent, and solute is added to one side. The level of the liquid on the side containing the solute will

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Nuclear Legacy :: essays research papers

Nuclear Legacy "There is 10 thousand tons of nuclear waste on Earth." Many scientist are in search for new and efficient ways to dispose of these lethal by-products which can destroy life itself. Radioactive products can be either beneficial or devastating. It all depends on how we use them. In the field of medicine, some benefit from radiation include, radiation therapy for cancer patients. Not all uses of radiation prove to be beneficial. Many use the power of the atom for destructive purposes, introducing an age of nuclear warfare. It doesn't matter if we use radiation for good or bad purposes, they all contribute to the growing rate of "unwanted nuclear waste." The issue now is, how do we dispose of these nuclear wastes? Scientist have thought of several methods to dispose the nuclear by- products. They tried to chemically treat the waste and reuse it, but "that would cost a fortune". They thought of launching the waste into outer space but it too will cost a fortune. They tried to dump barrels filled with nuclear waste into the ocean but they started leaking. As you can see, there is a great need for a nuclear waste disposal site. These sites may sound frightening, but it may be the only way for us to dispose the devastation we had longed to create. In 1986, the decision for a nuclear waste depositary proved to be "the most frightening decision of the decade." Of these sites, three were chosen to be the "most suitable" for the disposal of nuclear by-products. These three sites consisted of Hanford, Washington; Yuka Mountain, Nevada; and Defsmith, Texas. Hanford, Washington is a low populated U.S. city, and is owned by the Department of Energy. A low populated city is an ideal site for radioactive disposal. Although the city of Hanford is sparsely populated, geologists fear the possibility of a nuclear seepage into the Colombia river. The Columbia River is an important factor for the U.S. production of wheat. "This makes it the worst of site," says the geologist. If the Colombia River is contaminated with nuclear waste, it will lead to the contamination of land surrounding the large body of water, thus making land unusable. Radioactive contamination of the Colombia river will affect both America's economy and agricultural production. Yuka mountain, Nevada is a heavily guarded desert region of America. It is far away from any lakes, rivers, or oceans, and its repository is located above ground water levels. These geological conditions make Yuka mountain an almost perfect place for nuclear waste disposal to take place. This is due to

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Darren Aronofskys Requiem for a Dream Essay -- essays research papers

Darren Aronofsky's Requiem for a Dream Requiem for a Dream is a movie that was directed by Darren Aronofsky. It's a story about the decent in to the hell and torment of drug addiction; however, Aronofsky sets out to demonstrate both the seductive ecstasy of a high and the shattering anguish of addiction. Character development is the main focus of Requiem, which is shown through creative camera angles, precise editing, and brilliant acting.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This movie blew my mind away, actually I found it difficult to sit through the entire movie without taking a break to go outside just to make sure that reality wasn't as bad as the movie made it seem. Aronofsky did a mind-boggling job of exploring the pleasures, and horrors of drug use. However, he did it in a way that I had never seen before, his camera work and editing were so creative I couldn't help but repeatedly think "Wow, I've never seen anything like that before." In a movie review of Requiem Arthur Lazere states "Technique is important here because Aronofsky's films are both manneristic and expressionistic in spirit and style, exaggerating and distorting images for dramatic effect. He uses split screens, fast motion, fades to white, body-mounted cameras, repeated sequences, exaggerated sound effects somewhat self-conscious methods that quite deliberately keep the viewer always aware of the filmmaker and what he is up to, much the same way some painters u se a think impasto"   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  "I'm somebody now, Harry! Everybody likes...

Discrimination in US Security

Is there systematic discrimination in government and private security organization? Discrimination is the biasness based on color, religion, race, age, sexual orientation, national origin and gender. There is systematic discrimination in government and private security organization especially among blacks and other minorities like the Muslims. Muslims and blacks according to government and private organization are perceived to be more capable of committing crime as opposed to people from other races.For example in 2001 after the September 11 hijackings an airport security firm in Washington was under fire for hiring seven Muslims women who were screeners. This was because among the seven women five were from Sudan which has been blacklisted by the U. S. government and private security organization, one was from Egypt and the other from Afghanistan which has been believed for years to be the hideout for Osama who the US government believe to be responsible for the 1998 bombing attack and 2001 and therefore is their enemy number one. Is racial profiling ever appropriate?Racial profiling is the act of using a person’s race or his characteristics of his ethnic background to determine his capability in committing a specific crime. It is inappropriate especially in matters of security as it allows crime to mushroom in certain races as the policemen tend to divert their attention to one particular race for example in airports, the screeners tend to scrutinize people from middle east origin and Asian origin more than the way they do it for the American citizens and European nationals. Also the United States policemen have been on several occasion accused of racial profiling the African Americans.In that when crime has been committed in a particular neighborhood, the first suspect is always an African American. Although racial profiling is only appropriate when the physical traits of the suspect has been given out for example hair color, body weight, complexion. This is the only circumstance that the policemen are allowed to racial profile because racial profiling always leads to injustice in the community in various occasions and the innocent ones are the ones who are always caught. (http//www. amnestyusa. org/racialprofiling/sevenfacts. html) Do you believe it is justifiable to take such actions to protect US national’s security?It is justifiable for US government to take such actions to protect US national security because it is a superpower country in world and as one she is the main target for terrorists as they want to bring it down because it is the only country that is brave enough to question the their action. The US government is allowed to discriminate in security organization and to racial profile because most of the terrorists like Osama are from Muslim origin and one fact that we know is that Muslims are very brave they can do anything and this is why we have suicide bombers.Also in US majoring of the criminals are blac ks because most of them do it to revenge on the misery they have gone through and discrimination. Most of them are illiterate as a result they can’t get a decent job and as a result the only option they have is to commit crime because even the music industry in US is flooded as we can not have everyone in the music industry. As a result the US government does all this to maintain peace and harmony in order to make united state a favorable and suitable environment for people to stay in and to work in. (http//www. amnestyusa. org/racialprofiling/sevenfacts. html) Reference Amnesty International U.S.A. Racial Profiling. Retrieved on January 8th 2008 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   http//

Monday, September 16, 2019

Disadvantages of Iris Recognition

Subjects who are blind or have cataracts can also pose a challenge o iris recognition, as there is difficulty in reading the iris. The camera used in the process needs to have the correct amount of illumination. Without this, it is very difficult to capture an accurate image Of the iris. Along with illumination comes the problem with reflective surfaces within the range of the camera as well as any unusual lighting that may occur. All of these impact the ability of the camera to capture an accurate image. The system linked with the camera is currently only capturing images in a monochrome format.This results in problems with the limitations of grayscale making it difficult to distinguish the darker iris coloration from the pupil. Although there is minimal intrusiveness with iris recognition, there is still the need for co- operation from subjects to enroll in the system and undergo subsequent authentication scans. Enrolling a non-cooperative subject would prove very difficult indeed. Inadequate training of users at the initial enrolment period will cause problems both at the initial enrolment time and subsequent authentications.Frustrated users will not help make the system any easier to use and will not be accepted by users as a convenient authentication method. Communication with users plays a major part in introducing such a system successfully. B. The iris is harder to map as an image because it fluctuates based on the size of the pupil, and drug or medicinal use, and age. The retina stays constant throughout your life, unless you have glaucoma or diabetes. The iris is not fully shaped until about eight months of age, but after that age, it is commonly believed to be stable. C.One of the disadvantages with iris connection technology, being that it is a relatively new technology, is that the equipment is very expansive (it could cost almost as much as five times the cost of fingerprint scanning).

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Journalism around the world Essay

Traditionally, the term â€Å"international conflict† referred to conflicts between different nation-states and conflicts between people and organizations in different nation-states. Increasingly, however, it also applies to inter-group conflicts within one country when one group is fighting for independence or increased social, political, or economic power (e. g. , Chechnya, Kosovo). (Ref. 1) Five years into the 21st Century a dark and sinister cloud hangs over journalism around the world. More editors, reporters and media staffs are killed, targeted, kidnapped and subject to violence than ever before. Independent media are under intolerable pressure. This pressure comes directly from ruthless terrorists, with no respect for civilisation and human rights, who have targeted and murdered journalists in all continents. In Iraq alone, more than 50 media staff have been killed by political extremists and criminals, in pursuit of a grotesque agenda of hatred. (Ref. 2) New York, May 28, 2004—Two Japanese journalists and their Iraqi translator were killed on Thursday night when their car came under attack by gunmen in Mahmoudiya, 20 miles (30 kilometers) south of Baghdad, according to news reports. Bangkok-based freelancer Shinsuke Hashida and his nephew Kotaro Ogawa, also a freelancer, had been traveling to Baghdad from the southern city of Samawah, where Japan has deployed hundreds of troops, when the attack occurred. Agence France-Presse (AFP) listed the translator as Mohamed Najmedin. The Associated Press reported that both men were working for the Japanese tabloid daily Nikkan Gendai covering Japanese troops stationed in the southern city of Samawah. Japanese station NHK reported that the two journalists had also reported for several other Japanese news organizations. The Japanese foreign ministry acknowledged the incident but has not confirmed the identities of those killed. According to some press reports, the journalists’ car burst into flames after the attack. Reuters news agency reported that the car was hit by rocket propelled grenade (RPG) fire. The driver, an Iraqi, who survived the incident and spoke with Japan’s NHK News said he was able to exit the car before it exploded after the assault. Thursday’s attack occurred in the same area where two Polish journalists were killed by gunmen on May 7 and two CNN employees were gunned down in January. Hashida was an experienced journalist who had covered several conflicts as a television reporter, according to Japanese media. At least 28 journalists (not including Hashida and Ogawa) have been killed in Iraq since the US-led war in Iraq began in March 2003. At least seven other media workers have (â€Å"International Journalism†) also been killed. In other developments, U. S. television broadcaster NBC announced Friday that insurgents in Fallujah released three staffers and an Iraqi freelancer–correspondent Ned Colt, cameraman Maurice Roper, soundman Robert Colville, and journalist Ashraf al-Taie who had been kidnapped by armed insurgents on Tuesday. All four were released unharmed, and NBC said in a statement that local Iraqi leaders had mediated the releases when it was clear that the men were working as journalists. (Ref. 3) NBC said it did not previously report the abduction for security reasons. New York, December 11, 2003—Two journalists working with the U. S. newsmagazine Time were wounded today in a grenade attack in Baghdad while accompanying U. S. troops. Senior correspondent Michael Weisskopf and photographer James Nachtwey suffered undisclosed injuries when unidentified assailants threw a grenade into a Humvee the men were traveling in, Time managing editor Jim Kelly said in a written statement. Two soldiers in the Humvee were also injured in the attack, which occurred at about 9:30 p. m. The statement described both journalists as being in â€Å"stable condition† and said they were awaiting transfer to a U. S. military hospital in Landstuhl, Germany. CPJ is seeking more details at this time. (Ref. 4) It is not unusual in conflicts to find mass media recruited to support political objectives often at the expense of professional credibility. Indeed, this holds true for almost all wars. But as peoples of one country turn against each other in ethnic conflict, journalists find themselves facing the grotesque choice of respecting their professional commitment to truth-seeking or risk being branded a traitor. In conflict situations there is always the danger that the media are conscripted by undemocratic politicians to inspire, provoke and underwrite national fears and hatreds. Journalists who lend themselves to this process abandon their professional status and become propagandists. Ethnic conflict and strife are not a new phenomenon but in recent years we have seen an ever increasing fragmentation of human society. As Harold Isaacs put it in his book ‘Idols of the Tribe’: ‘We are experiencing (†¦ ) an ingathering of people in numberless grouping of kinds – tribal, racial, linguistic, religious, national. It is a great clustering into separateness that will, it is thought, improve, assure, or extend each group’s power or place, or keep it safe or safer from the power, threat, or hostility of others’. (Ref. 5) (â€Å"International Journalism†) Towards an accurate portrayal of all groups in society One of the most important challenges faced by the journalists during international conflicts is to portray groups on both sides of the conflict accurately. It is important for the journalists to be impartial while reporting aggression and human rights violations in the conflict affected areas. The journalists should become the voice of the suppressed and worst affected group during the conflict. The main objective should be to bring out the truth through reliable sources and create an atmosphere for compromise. Threat to life from various groups and anti-social elements In covering and reporting international conflicts and warfare, journalists face threat to life from various anti-social elements and extremist groups. In their process to expose the culprit, journalists receive threats on a daily basis. The assignments are sometimes very dangerous which may involve covering the warfare and battlefield where bullets are being sprayed everywhere and shells are raining. With the international news agenda controlled by the world’s major media giants, it has become crucial to develop and strengthen media at the local level to maintain diversity of opinion. As media in many developing nations, such as Indonesia, move away from state control towards private enterprise, it is essential for local media to find their own voice and professional codes. A well developed media system with professionally trained journalists usually benefits both global and local audiences and provides a vital link to the outside world during conflict situations.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Lanval Sir Gawain research paper

The legendary works of Lanval and Sir Gawain provides a positive human state of loyalty and honor that will truly boost the persona of these two individuals. Different portrayal of roles which will lead to a channel of similarities and differences was the focal point of scrutinizing these two masterpieces. In addition, upon exploring these two different works considering the positive and / or negative human state, attitude and characteristics, it is imperative to determine the strengths of Lanval and Sir Gawain by using these criteria.The story of Lanval reverses the typical conventions in romance as the maiden rescues the knight instead of the usual approach that men took the first move. In the event wherein Lanval walk away going nowhere, he looses his mind with and unfortunately his horse did not make to serve him and no other way but Lanval let go of his horse Apparently there were ladies along the way who came across with whom presents great attitude of accommodating him. As thi s two ladies approach Lanval, there was a prior intention of leading Lanval to the queen.  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Marie de France’s   Lanval â€Å"These two ladies came straightaway / To the place where Lanval lay / Lanval, mannerly, well-bred / quickly scrambled to his feet / The ladies spoke, first to greet / Him, then with a message they said / Lord Lanval, the lady we owe duty / A lady of valor, wisdom and beauty / It’s for you our lady has sent / Us.Now come along with us, do! / Safely we’ll conduct you through / Not far – look, you can see her tent!† (6.1-12). Despite the eagerness of the queen to establish a discreet relationship, Lanval in return cannot take the pleasure being offered to him, thus, he neglected to pursue such tempting emotion. â€Å"For her kiss, her embrace, her touch / Little he cares about other’s delight / When he can’t enjoy his own! / The queen saw him go off alone / And she headed straight for that knight / S he sat near him, she called him over / she spoke as her heart would move her / Lanval, I really so respect you / I really care, I really love / And you can have all my love / Tell me what you want! I expect you / Must be happy at what I say / I’m offering to go all the way / Lady, he said, let me go! / I never thought to love you so! / I’ve served the king for many a day / His faith in me I won’t betray / Not for you, your love, or anything / Would I ever act against my king!† (13.1-19).It came to the point that the queen became desperate for the reason that Lanval still hold his emotion and stay in being loyal. Out of which the queen claims that Lanval maltreated her and even come to the point that Lanval was put in trial because of the anger of Queen Guinevere. â€Å"The King had just come home from the wood / His day's hunting had been good / He went into the Queen's chamber / She cried out, loud, when first she / Saw him, fell at his feet, begged merc y / Accused Lanval–he had shamed her! / He'd asked her for a love-affair / She'd said no, with this result / He'd offered her an ugly insult / He boasted of a friend so fair / So full of pride, breeding, honor / That the chambermaid who waited on her / The lowliest, poorest of the poor / Compared to the Queen, was worth far more / The King was angry, to the core / His oath against Lanval he swore / In court he'd prove he was no liar / Or else he'd hang, or die by fire / The King left the Queen's bedroom / Called three of his barons to him / Sent them to bring in Lanval† (15.1-21).On the other hand, the story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knights epitomize the attitude of having a word of honor but unfortunately in the case of Sir Gawain, he did not make it up to the end. The game is that the challenger gets a chance to hit the Green Knight but in a year and a day, he must go to the Green Knight's chapel and then the Green Knight will test him and if he fails the tests, th e Green Knight will hit him. Sir Gawain being the youngest knight in the round table unfolds the challenge of battling with the Green Knight and continue with the pact that goes with the confront which was after a year of the fight the conqueror will go to Green Chapel to get a blow in return if he does not meet the ordeal.As Sir Gawain was on his way to the said place after a year, he was able to meet Bertilak. â€Å"Sir, if you be Gawain, it seems a great wonder / A man so well-meaning, and mannerly disposed / And cannot act in company as courtesy bids† (lines 1126 – 1997).   As Sir Gawain reached the place, challenges were headed for him, which in fact was very symbolic in nature. Temptations occurs which in turn he get hold of a girdle. Bertilak which happens to be the Green Knight also put him into the test as they come to the exchange of winnings. Unfortunately, Sir Gawain fails to be loyal and honest as he fails to utter the girdle that he has.Both these stori es present exciting analytical relationship taking into account honor and courtly love. It is of great pride of the character’s portrayal on how their outlook will affect their decisions up to the end which will make them a hero of their own. Compare and contrast these two poems is the focal point of this paper. In addition, at the end of this paper, identifying the similarities and differences of both works was essential in the analysis of the subject matter.Compare and Contrast: Lanval & Sir GawainLoyalty was clearly illustrated in both characters. It is of great value to take note how this certain attitude transform their individuality. Lanval promises not to reveal the identity of his mistress. Even when Queen Guinevere attempts to seduce Lanval, he refuses temptation because of her loyalty to his lover – the fairy maiden. Evidently, the foundation of such loyalty was rooted in the character of his lover. On the other hand, Sir Gawain takes the challenge for King A rthur in response to his loyalty to his master. He also honors the pact of one year and one day and took the chance of fighting with beast in order to render the pact of their duel. Sir Gawain has the will to sacrifice in order to hold on his word to the point that he almost experience starving just to keep his promise.In lieu of their loyalty, they established within themselves the honor which gives them the pride. Lanval embrace his word up to the end even if he goes through a trial, he faces it with pride and honor. He did not endure the accusations of the queen and faces its challenges. On the other note, Sir Gawain seize his honor as he dwell on the challenges of the concordat up to the end. He did not even open a single door to have second thought to pursue the battle with the Green Knight and thus, give him ultimate honor.As regards to feelings, both the character of Lanval and Sir Gawain experienced to have intense love – the one for a certain maiden and the latter wa s a love for the self. It could be different in criteria but both give them the strength to live. The pursuance of ones love ultimately gives them the drive to stand rigid and hold on what would make them tough. Definitely, as the character of Lanval and Sir Gawain defeats temptation, this love boosts their grip on the road to being strong.  It brightens the lives of Lanval and Sir Gawain as their powerful love bestow them hope. Lanval even if he’s on trial and in any moment will destroy the life that he has, he consistently hold onto the hope that the truth will prevail – whatever accusations of the queen towards Lanval, it will not persist because it just present an opaque scenario of events which did not occur in the first place.   In Marie de France’s Lanval â€Å"On the day set for the trial / The barons have traveled many a mile / To be there; the Queen’s there, and the King / And now Lanval’s hostages bring / Him in. They’re so s orry for him / A hundred knights or more, I guess / Would have done anything for him / So he could walk free away from the case / So wrongful are the accusations!† (20.1-9).The people will stand for Lanval as they witness the unreasonable accusations that queen bequeath on Lanval. Parallel to this, as to the case of Sir Gawain, as he faces the challenge of the Green Knight, his will sustains his hope. The more he pursues the pact, the more it will give him peace of mind. Thus holding on the aspiration of victory gives him hope.Guilt also took part in the characters stance and make plausible comparison. As regard to Lanval’s encounter with the queen, even if he was very much aware that the personality of the queen might be ruin, Lanval still insist with his determination to stand to what he believes is right – and that is to be loyal with his lover. As to the story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, in consequence of Sir Gawain’s encounter with challenges in Green’s Chapel, the host gives him kisses in return for his success, however he did not follow to what they agreed prior the battle, he did not give all of his winnings which gives him the guilt and thus consistently wear the girdle around his arm as a sign of his culpability.ConclusionThe act of sincerity comes into account as we weigh the guilt which was instill in the hearts and minds of the characters. Both Lanval and Sir Gawain were sincere in their craft. With no hesitance, they face the consequences of their chosen field. Fear was the major hindrance to their established characters.Both personas disregard pleasure and pain. The act of cynicism was present in Lanval and Sir Gawain. Courtly love was taken into account in these two characters. Lanval epitomized his sincerity and love for his fairy maiden as he kept surpassing the barriers of their relationships. On the other hand the host going to the Green Chapel touches the heart of Sir Gawain in one way or the other as he sealed himself in exchanging his winnings with the Green Knight specifically with the girdle that he got from the host. Sense of mortality was present as it has a feeling of commonality in both presented poems. These nearly pass the same life cycle as its main character being portrayed by Lanval and Sir Gawain almost has the same channel – a sense of preciousness of time and life.Good things happen to good people. Lanval broke his promise, and Sir Gawain broke his promise. But nothing bad happened to either. They learned from their mistake and they were regretful. Both authors show that after all, humans will be humans, and humans are capable of mistakes, no matter how honorable their past has been.Both the female characters are not loyal to their husbands. Neither is Queen Guinevere or the host’s wife. Both try to seduce another man and attempt to sleep with other man. Men are more loyal than women in these two works.On another note, there were also opposing in stances in these poems. The works differ in loyalty. Sir Gawain lied to protect his life while Lanval lied to protect his mistress’ honor. Furthermore, as regards to the sense of guilt, Lanval did not felt a single guilt at the end as he chose to stand firm on what he believe was right. Lanval just ride off to Avalon with his lover – as if it was okay for him to break his code of silence. On the Contrary, there was a feeling of guilt in Sir Gawain since he was not honest in exchanging his winnings and in consequence of his remorse; he wears his girdle in his arms.Lanval and Sir Gawain show the interconnection of their stories as well as their temperaments. In one way or the other, there was resemblance with their stories and it presents a good basis of comparison.Referencesâ€Å"LANVAL† Marie de France, translated Judith P. Shoaf  ©1991, 2005Stone, Brian. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. British Library. 1974

Friday, September 13, 2019

Human resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Human resources - Essay Example This intangible factor accounts for such facets of employee motivation as charismatic leadership, collective cultural sensibilities, conditions of the broader economy, etc. Just as motivating employees has its share of challenges, it can be equally as rewarding. This is so, because a motivated workforce transforms the internal dynamics of an organization and produces a synergistic effect on its performance. The sum of a group of motivated employees is greater than its constituent parts. While motivation theory discourse tends to focus on outcomes for the organization, an employee-centric evaluation is also relevant, for employees are what comprise the labor market. Without the constant supply of human resources from the labor market, no industry could survive. (Murphy, 2009) Coming to the question of motivating employees who survive a layoff, the challenges are compounded due to the atmosphere of employee insecurity. Top management’s leadership skills will be thoroughly tested while handling this particular scenario. The threat of job loss would have shaken the workforce’s commitment to the company and its cause. Seeing their colleagues being laid-off would have disillusioned survivors about principles of team ethic and team spirit. One cannot blame lay-off survivors to grow distrustful of the management, for it is always those in lower ranks who lose their jobs first, while most of the top management remains unscathed. Given this environment of distrust and insecurity, it is not uncommon for the relations between management and workers to turn antagonistic. In the case of General Electric, the relations between top management and entry level workers turned fractious during the 2008 Wall Street collapse and its aftermath. In contrast, East Asian automotive companies such as Nissan and Toyota espouse a strong support system for employees during times of economic distress. Situations like this test the skills of managers and separate the great ones from mortals. Those managers who see opportunity in adversity will be the ones who see the ship sail through turbulent waters to calmer shores. (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975) 2. To what extent is Conaty’s advice consistent with equity and expectancy theory? Coming to the case study in question, the observations made by Bill Conaty, former HR Manager at General Electric, are very pragmatic. Conaty is someone who believes in an equitable and compassionate mode of management. In this spirit, the difficult process of layoffs can be handled by upholding basic principles of fairness. These three steps for managing the equity process are consistent with Conaty’s vision of equity and fairness: â€Å"Recognize that an equity comparison will likely be made by each subordinate whenever especially visible rewards such as pay, promotions, etc are being allocated. Anticipate felt negative inequities. Communicate to each individual your evaluation of the reward, an appraisal of the perfor mance on which it is based and the comparison points you consider to be appropriate.† (Motivation Theories, p.185) The truly great leaders will make surviving employees see opportunity in the apparent adversarial situation. This is factually true as well, for a reduced workforce makes the chances of promotion and career progress easier for the surviving members. Although it sounds

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Woman's Liberation Movement Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Woman's Liberation Movement - Term Paper Example The American culture expected women to ‘keep the home.’ The television programs of the 1950’s clearly demonstrate this reality. Prior to the 1960’s and 1970’s women were commonly vilified and thought of as egocentric if their personal ambitions did not comprise cooking meals, cleaning, caring for children, and being the obedient wife of their husbands. The idea of feminism was one of scorn and mockery during this time. It was also understood to be opposed to the basic tenets of Christianity. The efforts of numerous women such as Gloria Steinum, Ruth Rosen and Betty Friedan during the 1960’ revitalized the women’s movement and laid the foundation for changes in both public perception of feminism as well as the law for all time. Although the women’s liberation movement is often understood as being of a uniform ideology it actually is very diverse consisting basically of two differing perspectives on feminist thought fundamentally d ivided by age and, radical and liberal. The significant achievement for the women’s liberation movement that began in the 1960’s was to give voice to very private matters such as domestic violence, date rape, workplace discrimination and sexual harassment by forcing these subjects into the public debate thus instigating changes concerning both social attitudes and legislation. The changes began when President John F. Kennedy formed the Commission on the Status of Women in 1961. Betty Friedan, an outspoken feminist was part of this commission. In 1966 Friedan created the National Organization for Women (NOW), the first new feminist organization in nearly 50 years. NOW was the initial and remains the most recognized but it was only beginning of the organized expression of the women’s movement. â€Å"The (women’s) movement actually has two origins, from two different strata’s of society, with two different styles, orientations, values, and forms of o rganization† (Freeman, 1971) These unaligned women’s groups were thought of as separate in structure and motive throughout the 1960’s but by 1970, these numerous groups loosely aligned by two uncommon composition and origin merged in the collective conscience of the American public under the familiar terminology of the women’s liberation movement. The first faction which included NOW, the Professional Women’s Caucus, the Federally Employed Women and the Women’s Equity Action League, the self-described ‘right-wing’ of the movement, whose demographic consisted largely of older women than other groups formed during the 1960’s. The older group consisted mainly of women who worked outside the home plus older homemakers who were sympathetic to the cause. The younger factions were generally college-aged young women who came from the civil rights movement. The women’s equality groups of the ‘younger generation’ heard the words and witnessed the efforts of the ‘older generation’ such as Betty Friedan, who wrote the very popular book, The Feminine Mystique, who said â€Å"A woman has got to be able to say, and not feel guilty, ‘Who am I, and what do I want out of life’? She mustn’t feel selfish and neurotic if she wants goals of her own, outside of husband and children† (â€Å"

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Business Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8

Business Ethics - Essay Example Therefore, this approach, in contrast to good attitude to animals, makes human actions towards animals ethically grounded, disregarding each person’s own attitude or feelings towards animals. Singer’s position lacks sentiments and is well grounded using the principle of equality of rights. Having brains or consciousness is not a discriminatory factor for Singer, and it is quite clear for the scholar that we all have to take moral care of all animals and stop using their lives for our trivial goals. 2. · Pollan’s main point is that the basic problem of our society is industrial animal farming where animals are treated with disrespect and are caused a lot of suffering. His idea is to make the process of animal farming (including their slaughtering) â€Å"transparent† (figuratively or literally) – that is, allow animals to enjoy their lives and to slaughter them as mercifully as possible. This would make meat and dairy products more expensive of course, however humans would eat animals with respect and consciousness. Considering Singer’s argumentation, Pollan agrees with quite a lot of arguments, yet questions some others, and this seems to happen because according to Peter Singer, there are only two options for people eating meat: either to go vegetarian or to turn their heads away from the problem and close their eyes not seeing the animals suffering. That is why, the eventually discovered solution of farms â€Å"transparency† looms for Poll an the perfect moral option which would, on the one hand, ensure that the animals are treated nicely, and on the other – that the humans will be able to make their choice of eating or not eating their flesh with more consciousness. 3. I would not say Pollan abandons utilitarianism totally but his position is certainly not concentrated on utility as the main measure for morality and the basic criteria for

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Assessing Iran's Nuclear Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assessing Iran's Nuclear Program - Essay Example Much of the information contained in these sources commonly comes from reliable sources as publishers remain careful to avoid prosecution, for publication of misleading information to the public. The utilisation of OSINT can be utilised in gaining essential information regarding Iran’s nuclear programme. Since the country considers the capacity to produce nuclear power its right, the country is bound to release a lot of information to various sources, which can be utilised to gather intelligence reports. Numerous international news channels and media have published reports regarding the nuclear programme progress in Iran. With increased availability of media reports regarding the nuclear programme, OSINT can easily become effective source of reliable information (BBC 2006). The existing tensions between western governments and Iran cannot support the utilisation of intelligence operatives undertaking an operation within the country. Intelligence gathering can only be undertaken through the application of OSINT. Open sources have been essential in providing the entire world with information of the nuclear programme being implemented by Iran. The plan to construct a nuclear power plant by the country appears to be at advanced stages, though the construction has continued secretly (The Associated Press 2008). This secret construction continues to cause concerns over whether the intended plant will be utilised for only power production. The increased links between the country and terrorism groups, combined with the hard-line Islamic leadership, create concerns for international security. While OSINT has been effectively utilised in gaining essential information on the nuclear programme, such intelligence cannot present information regarding the objetcives of the project. The concerns about construction of nuclear weapons remain a suspicion

Monday, September 9, 2019

India on The Move Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

India on The Move - Essay Example While this was attempted to be addressed through the, highly unpopular, forced sterilization program in the regime of Indira Gandhi during the 'emergency' years attention seems to have fallen by the wayside. The population continues to grow at a rate of 1.5% and India is expected to cross China by 2018. This is the result of higher birth rates coupled with increased life expectancy. At the root of the problem, however, lie poor literacy levels. Growth of the economy, to a large extent, is negated by the population rise and the number (and percentage) of people living below the poverty line continues to be at a staggering level of 44% of the population. The unemployment levels are also consistently high. With the unofficial figures estimating these to be above the 20% mark this indicates a lack of balanced growth. Since agriculture provides sustenance for more than 72% of the population, it seems obvious that this sector of the economy has been neglected at the cost of modernization in the more visible sectors like IT, manufacturing industry and services. Fractured and regionalized politics is perhaps the next biggest problem facing the country.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Effects of Global Warming on Coral Reefs Research Paper

The Effects of Global Warming on Coral Reefs - Research Paper Example There are three ways in which global warming affects coral reefs: through a direct increase in water temperature; through a rise in the carbon dioxide levels in water which makes water acidic; and through rising sea levels which results in inadequate sunlight for the existing coral reefs. In addition, the study points towards various indirect ways through which rising temperature leads to coral reef damage. One issue is the increasing incidence of various coral diseases and another problem is the occurrence of natural disasters like El Nino which damage coral reef habitats. Thus, the study ends with the suggestion that the ultimate way to save coral reefs would be to address the effects of global warming. Introduction Global warming is a potential environmental problem that has been adversely affecting the global climatic patterns for more than a century. Global warming can be simply referred to the process of increasing the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. By definition â€Å"global warming is an increase in temperature worldwide due to gaseous emissions known as greenhouse gases, and depletion of the upper atmospheric (30-50 kilometers) or stratospheric ozone layer† (Liu, 58). Meteorologist identified an increase in Earth’s average surface temperature by nearly 0.8o C in the beginning of the 20th century. Scientists hold that the increased concentrations of greenhouse gases caused by thoughtless human activities including combustion of fossil fuels and deforestation are the major factors leading to global warming. ‘The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report’ (AR4) (qtd. Deimling et al) forecasts th at the average global surface temperature may rise from 1.1o C to 2.9o C during the 21st century under lowest emissions scenario, whereas the expected range lies between 2.4o C to 6.4o C under highest emission scenario. Studies have identified that the rising average temperature of oceans has a devastating effect on coral reefs. Coral reefs are underwater forests formed of calcium carbonate secreted by corals. Coral reefs play a pivotal role in protecting coastal regions. Coral reefs contain a wide variety of fishes and plants among which most of them belong to some of the most fragile ecosystems of the planet. Studies point to the fact that even a one degree Celsius change in average sea temperature would cause dreadful effects on these underwater structures. This paper will discuss the effects of global warming on coral reefs in the context of current beliefs and researches. The paper will also give focus on the potential long term effects of global warming on the human sustainabi lity. Finally it will propose solutions to the issue on the strength of identified causes and effects. Coral Reef Habitat Coral reefs are considered colonies of micro living animals found in less-nutrients contained marine waters. It has been identified that majority of the coral reefs are made up of stony corals and which in turn contain polyps. Most of these underwater structures were formed after the last glacial period and therefore it can be concluded that most coral reefs are not more than 10,000 years old. Coral reefs constitute the most diverse and fragile ecosystems on Earth and they are often referred to as ‘rainforests of the sea’. As stated in the article, Introduction to Coral Reef ecosystems, threats, and solutions, although coral reefs occupy only less than 0.1% of the worlds’ ocean surface, they are rich sources of different marine species such as fish, worms, sponges, crustaceans, and mollusks. As reported by National Wildlife Federation, the stu nning and frail coral reefs found

Secret societies Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Secret societies - Thesis Example These legislations or law either snatch the right of someone to possess a gun or snatch the right totally from the manufacturers of the guns to produce guns. Many other countries have no such laws or legislations as the governments of these countries believe that these laws would do no good to the current situation of violence but it would rather increase it. Through my essay I would be able to research on the topic of Gun Control and would be able to know as to how it really is affecting the rate of violence nowadays. The readers can further know about the legislations against the possession of arms and would know if these legislations are successful or not. I believe that minimum gun control laws can be helpful in reducing crime rates as it has been witnessed in some real life examples. I believe that I can research on the topic by reviewing journals and articles which would help me to gain an insight in the topic. I would further review both the sides of gun control so that the readers can have a better understanding of the topic. I would put down the points of both the opponents and proponents on gun control laws and then conclude as to which side has stronger arguments. Some of the problems which I might face in writing the essay would possibly be related to researches which do not show statistics or are not complete to give out a conclusion. With every passing year, there are many changes that take place around the globe. These changes are to be met and faced accordingly. Gun control is a subject which lies in a similar category. It was banned a long time ago due to the safety of the citizens in those times and the low crime rate. But since time has changed and more protection is required by everyone, this ban can be revised considering the help that it can provide to people. This can be effective if suitable measures are taken before removing this ban. Huizinga, David, Rolf

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Assignmen From Readings Essay Example for Free

Assignmen From Readings Essay This document includes ACC 340 Week 2 Assignments from Readings ACC 340 Week 2 Individual Assignments From the Readings Write a response to the following assignment from the Core Concepts of Accounting Information Systems text: Chapter 3: Case Analyses (The Dinteman Company) Format your response consistent with APA guidelines. Business Accounting Accounting Information Systems I ENTIRE COURSE Phoenix University Pick out classes that are challenging and interesting to you instead of the ones that people think are very easy. Giving yourself a challenge is rewarding. You are sure to gain more knowledge from tough courses, and you might make connections that will benefit you later on.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Sub †pop culture Essay Example for Free

Sub – pop culture Essay Music videos have definitely made a big influence on our culture today. Most people see music videos not only as videos with their favorite icons on it but they also see the videos as a way to impart messages. These messages produce great effects especially to the youth who watch these videos on a constant basis. Sadly, we do not have control over what we can see on the television. One of negative images that music videos have portrayed is about African American women. They are perceived to be promiscuous and are seen as sex tools. Because the images are widely known, they are extended to all African American women (West and Stevenson, 2003, p. 98). This is not fair because Black women, or any other women, should not be seen and judged this way. This kind of image does not help in promoting respect for women. In contrast, the music videos send out the message the women, African American in particular, are â€Å"easy. † It is very downgrading to all women and should be stopped. People, especially young adults, watching these videos will not have a problem accepting this kind of message and can make them believe that it is a legitimate behavior (Battle, Bennett, Lemelle, 2006, p. 117). Because hip hop music is the most common kind of genre showing this kind of appalling image of African American women, it then makes sense that it is easier to disrespect all African American people (Brummett, 2006, p. 253). Although music videos are entertaining and informative in nature, people should be more careful in what they want to display especially with regard to women. It is not only offensive but it also promotes violence and inequality to women all over the world. References Battle, J. J. , Bennett, M. , Lemelle, A. J. (2006). Free at Last? : Black America in the Twenty-First Century. New Jersey: Transaction Publishers. Brummett, B. (2006). Rhetoric in Popular Culture. California: Sage Publications, Inc. West, Carolyn M. Stevenson, T. (2003). Violence in the Lives of Black Women: Battered, Black, and Blue. New York: Haworth Press.